Are you a daygamer struggling to keep focus? Feeling like you want to quit daygame? You don't need to suffer any longer. John Elite has the solution you're looking for

I have re-released this course and took it away because I thought people were ungreatful last year. Sign up before I change my mind and take it away for good again... Its something you need but didn't know you need it.

Unmute the audio to watch the teaser trailer and sign up today!

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  • #1: Conquer distractions and stay focused in daygame, so you don't quit daygame due to economic stress.

  • #2: Manage your time and money better, so it doesn't affect your inner game, so you can focus on daygame to get laid better for my other programs

  • #3: Learn what high income skills are to boost your bank account, so the maslov chart of human needs doesn't affect your mindset for daygame

  • #4: Gain the tools to take on your distractions. So you can accomplish your goals so you can refocus back on getting laid for daygame

  • #5: Overcome the psychological effects of economic stress. So the 7 stages of grief don't affect you

  • #6: Train yourself to be a future superstar student, so you can get laid and become a future laid testimonial since you won't have time to learn all these skills from various books and courses like I did saving you time.


Let me tell you a story of what happened. I predicted the high interest rates would ruin people's minds last year so I made this course thinking they wouldn't afford my coaching. They go through a winner-and-loser effect. The more they win the more testosterone they have. The more they lose, the more cortisol stress hormone they have.

I took down this course because I thought you were ungrateful or unaware of how this is related. As you face more losses.

You will go through the 4 traits of low self esteem. Now people are more delusional than ever with these 4 traits in 2024. They weren't even as functional as last year as you look at me like I am crazy after posting more laid testimonials due to your severe ADHD. I am not calling you stupid, but this is a wake up call.

They were not aware that economic stress will make them quit daygame. 63% of men are single, who can't afford to date and gave up. If you can't focus, you are unable to learn my daygame system. Do not quit daygame if there is a solution here.

The Maslov chart of human needs suggests if you don't have your physiological needs being met, you will not be able to focus

Right now you might be in the denial stage and stuck on the depression stage. Unable to focus on daygame

  • 1. The arrow head is maneuver, sexualize and objections dealing for game tactics for my daygame system. This alone won't get you laid as it won't penetrate. I mean this metaphorically speaking for getting laid.
  • 2. The arrow body is the sociai skills, social calibrations, and emotional control. The body of the arrow would of got you laid in 2022, but not 2023 or 2024 without arrow science.
  • 3. The arrow feather is your white washed fashion and v shaped body for muscles. Every bit helps the arrow to penetrate.
  • 4. The inner game for the Maslov Chart of human needs and 7 stages of grief is your inner game or how you aim your shakey arrow. So if you don't have your money in order, you can't aim because you are depressed. So you see, this is actually 100% related to daygame. The west is going to turn into the next Japan with economic stress.


Want to see what the course has to offer? Go check out the free samples in the video sales letter above! There you'll find 3 videos samples above


I Got So Excited After Seeing So Much Student Results...

This course was taught in my secret inner circle. But I thought it was so important and it was the biggest objection. People were struggling, living paycheck to paycheck, and wanted to train with me. I decided to share it with the entire world instead of keeping it exclusive. Don't dismiss it. It works. I took it away but had a change of heart. Enroll in this course so you don't quit.


  • I started in 2001 when I attended university. I was reading this guide online the first published guide for game called the lay guide. It was a night game guide I mistaken for daygame. I was accidentally the first daygamer.
  • I didn’t get laid in university, still a virgin, so I got obsessed with field testing, split testing every major daygame system I can.
  • Learned every daygame system one by one. Field tested, then discarded 99 % of it, kept one percent of it that was a golden nugget
  • I did daygame for over 22 years. But I needed to figure out everything. So I went through every major material, Mystery, RSD, London Daygame, Simple Pickup, Justin Wayne, etc.
  • I know what everyone teaches. Even if they dont have many laid testimonials
  • Eventually, I was mentored by a Pakistani guy who was a natural who was banging 9/10 non-stop. The best daygamer I know.
  • Eventually mentored by over a dozen naturals. Their game was more social skills, social calibrations, emotional control related. Almost identical except for their tactics for their race, height.
  • I started coaching in 2012 for bootcamps, then started to split test all the stuff to see what works. What didn’t, then started to discard a lot more.
  • I am the best daygame coach in the world having more laid testimonials more than every daygame coach in the world combine, conquering the pandemic, variants, 2023 inflation.
  • I am the best daygame coach in the world having more laid testimonials more than every daygame coach in the world combined, conquering the pandemic, variants, 2023 inflation.


  • 60% Men Single?! Unveiling The Shocking Impact Of 2023, 2024 Inflation On Dating.: Learn why social skills is so important and that means you would not end up like them if you can afford to train with me one day.

  • Cracking The Code: Unleashing The Power Of Acceptance To Conquer Overwhelm In The Face Of Severe ADHD And The 2023 Inflation: Learn how to turn off feeling triggered by money problems so you won't get depressed and can focus on fixing it

  • Achieve Financial Freedom: Embrace The Power Of High Income Skilles, Scaling Your Side Hustle And Investments: Learn not to only focus on investments only which all my Severely unfocused students who are lazy so they tie their money into crypto, bitfvck, dropshitting, startups so you won't get into 5 figure debt or 6 figures in a short amount time time because you are too unfocused to build high income skills

  • Stop Wasting Time And Energy On Your Old Self: Discover The Secrets Of The Future Self: Stop living in the past and that means you can focus on your future self that guides all your decisions towards that person and become that person you always want to be

  • WHAT IS THE 4 TRAITS OF LOW SELF ESTEEM: Stop being clueless so you would stop being unaware making bad decisions, half assing life, choosing the worst path which bleeds you of massive amounts of money in a few short months

  • HOW TO CHOOSE WHICH GOALS TO FOCUS ON BASED ON YOUR FUTURE SELF: Prioritize your life, your future goals and dreams which means you can Avoid Wasting Time On The Wrong Things, Making No Progress. The Right Goals equals Success and Happiness

  • Manifest Your Dream Dating Life: The 5 Mindsets For Severe ADHD Daygamers: Steer your life forward being more coachable and adaptable so you can be more skillful and believe in yourself again and that means skillset without mindset will lead to upset. No matter what you do it would fail without the 5 mindsets

  • THE ABCDE SCHEDULING SYSTEM: Learn to prioritize and excute daily task and that means not every task is important. Focusing on the priority you would not waste precious time during the inflation and soon to be recession bleeding money to the point you can't afford to train with me anymore, making excuses losing your ability to get that lay for daygame being a laid testimonial because your inner game isn't calibrated

  • How To Pay Off Debt With Severe ADHD: Conquer Overwhelm And Crush Your Goals!: Learn how my students paid off their 5 figure debt in the shortest time possible which means it won't build on interest, due to the high interest rate right now which makes you pay more debt, more than you orginally owed. Putting you further into 5 figure debt.

  • How To Manage Food Cost, Eating For Only $3 A Day With Full Nutrition: Stop eating out non stop wasting a ton of money for convenience creating a massive cost of living debt. Since I developed this system which I use everyday feeling full and experiencing no impact from the food prices inflation which means you would be able to easily afford my daygame course like Elite 30: From Hardcase to Hero this way without excuses by managing food cost.

  • Overcome Financial Chaos With The Game-Changing 5 Envelope Concept: Spilt your money up for emergency money, high income skills, investments, bills, play money so you can never get into debt, focusing on too much of one of them which is most daygamers biggest mistake. Either focused on play money or all in for investments.

  • Rewrite Your Cultural Upbringing: How Listening To This Secret Audiobook 10 Times Can Transform Your Life.": Change your bad money habits your parents passed down to you in the first 7 years of life you can't filter out ... once its corrected, you would save money and finally make more money proven by my students.

  • Conquer ADHD Overwhelm: The Ultimate Guide To Harnessing The Dreaded Mental Blinking: Learn why your brain shuts down making it hard for you to learn new things as if you were having power outages of focus so you can learn which supplements will stop the dreaded mental blinking

  • Unlocking The Secret Weapon: How Hyperfocus Can Revolutionize Your ADHD Daygame!: Learn to align your focus making a top 10 list of values. So you can pick one and that means you would be able to go back onto that one thing that reminds you to stay focused even doing task you don't always enjoy but have to instead of avoiding it, ruining your life

  • 10x Is Easier Than 2x Concept: Stop focusing on things that gives you marginal improvements, but 10x improvements so you would stop wasting time with ineffective strategies when you should be using much better strategies to make money

  • Conquer Overwhelm: Unlock Your Full Potential With The 3 D's!: Deal with the problem, delegate it to someone else or a program, or delays it which is your default and that means you only have to make 3 decisions from now on saving you time to get more things done raising your self esteem instead of procrastinating, lowering it

  • How To Overcome Overwhelm For Severe ADHD: A SECRET Agent's Approach: Learn how to choose task which recovers your mental resources so you can by choosing the right task strategically, you can get more things done. Your will replenish your brain like a battery. You always chose the wrong task so it depends your energy.

  • Overcoming Overwhelm: Unmasking The Animalistic Daygamer Concept: Learn why you say one thing, while doing the other, losing all of your self esteem, gaslighting your brain which means you are lowering your self esteem more, if you say something but don't commit to it, increasing your downward spiral

  • Unlocking The Secret Weapon: How Hyperfocus Can Revolutionize Your ADHD Daygame!: Learn to align your focus making a top 10 list of values. So you can pick one ... you would be able to go back onto that one thing that reminds you to stay focused even doing task you don't always enjoy but have to instead of avoiding it, ruining your life

  • Unlock Your Full Potential: How This One Puzzle Game On Your Cellphone Can Help Overcome ADHD Symptoms: Rebuild your neuropathways in 21 days playing a fun puzzle game regrowing your neuropathways ... you can turn your severe lack of focus to moderate being able to accomplish your task

  • Boost Your Energy Levels With These Mind-Blowing Tips For Severe ADHD!: Stop being depressed and low energy which means you can finally be productive, raising your self esteem

  • 2023 Most Common Pattern Of Dysfunction All The Unteachable Cases Have: Learn the 3 pattern to avoid this year that all the unfocused people did who failed in life and have massive debt and that means it is wisdom, knowing what not to do which you can stop crashing and burning, failing at everything you do in every 4 months, 3X a year. Year after year.

  • WHAT IS TERMINATOR GRIT OR THE JOHN WICK TENACITY METAPHORICAL CONCEPT: Have more resilience and tenacity ... you will not quit until you get your task done despite what you think or how you feel

  • 4 Navy SEAL Secrets Revealed: How To Crush Overwhelm And Achieve Mental Strength: Learn how to set goals, visualize success, positive self talk and stress control which means you can you can handle an unlimited amount of stress so you can move forward and get things done



Many people signing up for my same-day lay webinar were living from paycheck to paycheck or in debt due to inflation and I wanted to create Elite Focus to help them overcome their excuses.

With this course, you'll learn how to fix your focus, goal-setting, time management, and budgeting issues, so you can use those skills and energy to achieve success with women.

I made Elite Focus for you guys because I don't want you to quit daygame due to economic stress and drop out of dating when times become tough.


This course is 100% FREE, but the quality is just as high as a course that costs over $100.

There is no catch, I just want to take away every last one of your excuses from training with me. I also want to make sure people don't quit daygame for economic stress.

There is a cost, it cost me a month of my precious time because I want to get 6000 laid/pull testimonials.

If people quit daygame due to economic stress, then I can't reach that goal. Since I want you to be one of the 6000 in the future.

People thought my goal of 600 laid/pull testimonies was impossible, but I nearly reached it, I want 10x as much now.

It is a win-win situation for both of us.


With my proven techniques and split-tested strategies, I know how to help even the most unfocused and low SMV students have success with daygame.

Not only did I study psychology and have countless test subjects,

I have the most daygame laid testimonials in times of inflation. Not to mention nearly 600 Laid/pull testimonials for daygame.

My elite focus methods have even helped students from 5-figure debt to score.

As someone who knows how to break through and get the results you want in daygame, you can trust that my course will help you reach your goals too."


Thank you for your interest in the Elite Focus course.

To receive the course, please enter your name and email address into the box above.

Once you do, the course will be sent to you instantly, so you can start learning right away and reach your personal focus and dating goals.

Thank you again for your interest and I look forward to your success.

Maybe you would be a laid testimonial one day for my daygame courses and coaching.

You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

You are missing out because lots of people already signed up and are using the Elite Focus technology while you are left behind...

  • 60% Men Single?! Unveiling The Shocking Impact Of 2023 Inflation On Dating.: Learn why social skills is so important and that means you would not end up like them if you can afford to train with me one day.
  • Cracking The Code: Unleashing The Power Of Acceptance To Conquer Overwhelm In The Face Of Severe ADHD And The 2023 Inflation: Learn how to turn off feeling triggered by money problems so you won't get depressed and can focus on fixing it
  • Achieve Financial Freedom: Embrace The Power Of High Income Skilles, Scaling Your Side Hustle And Investments: Learn not to only focus on investments only which all my Severely unfocused students who are lazy so they tie their money into crypto, bitfvck, dropshitting, startups so you won't get into 5 figure debt or 6 figures in a short amount time time because you are too unfocused to build high income skills
  • Stop Wasting Time And Energy On Your Old Self: Discover The Secrets Of The Future Self: Stop living in the past and that means you can focus on your future self that guides all your decisions towards that person and become that person you always want to be
  • WHAT IS THE 4 TRAITS OF LOW SELF ESTEEM: Stop being clueless so you would stop being unaware making bad decisions, half assing life, choosing the worst path which bleeds you of massive amounts of money in a few short months
  • HOW TO CHOOSE WHICH GOALS TO FOCUS ON BASED ON YOUR FUTURE SELF: Prioritize your life, your future goals and dreams which means you can Avoid Wasting Time On The Wrong Things, Making No Progress. The Right Goals equals Success and Happiness
  • Manifest Your Dream Dating Life: The 5 Mindsets For Severe ADHD Daygamers: Steer your life forward being more coachable and adaptable so you can be more skillful and believe in yourself again and that means skillset without mindset will lead to upset. No matter what you do it would fail without the 5 mindsets
  • THE ABCDE SCHEDULING SYSTEM: Learn to prioritize and excute daily task and that means not every task is important. Focusing on the priority you would not waste precious time during the inflation and soon to be recession bleeding money to the point you can't afford to train with me anymore, making excuses losing your ability to get that lay for daygame being a laid testimonial because your inner game isn't calibrated
  • How To Pay Off Debt With Severe ADHD: Conquer Overwhelm And Crush Your Goals!: Learn how my students paid off their 5 figure debt in the shortest time possible which means it won't build on interest, due to the high interest rate right now which makes you pay more debt, more than you orginally owed. Putting you further into 5 figure debt.
  • How To Manage Food Cost, Eating For Only $3 A Day With Full Nutrition: Stop eating out non stop wasting a ton of money for convenience creating a massive cost of living debt. Since I developed this system which I use everyday feeling full and experiencing no impact from the food prices inflation which means you would be able to easily afford my daygame course like Elite 30: From Hardcase to Hero this way without excuses by managing food cost.
  • Overcome Financial Chaos With The Game-Changing 5 Envelope Concept: Spilt your money up for emergency money, high income skills, investments, bills, play money so you can never get into debt, focusing on too much of one of them which is most daygamers biggest mistake. Either focused on play money or all in for investments.
  • Rewrite Your Cultural Upbringing: How Listening To This Secret Audiobook 10 Times Can Transform Your Life.": Change your bad money habits your parents passed down to you in the first 7 years of life you can't filter out ... once its corrected, you would save money and finally make more money proven by my students.
  • Conquer ADHD Overwhelm: The Ultimate Guide To Harnessing The Dreaded Mental Blinking: Learn why your brain shuts down making it hard for you to learn new things as if you were having power outages of focus so you can learn which supplements will stop the dreaded mental blinking
  • Unlocking The Secret Weapon: How Hyperfocus Can Revolutionize Your ADHD Daygame!: Learn to align your focus making a top 10 list of values. So you can pick one and that means you would be able to go back onto that one thing that reminds you to stay focused even doing task you don't always enjoy but have to instead of avoiding it, ruining your life
  • 10x Is Easier Than 2x Concept: Stop focusing on things that gives you marginal improvements, but 10x improvements so you would stop wasting time with ineffective strategies when you should be using much better strategies to make money
  • Conquer Overwhelm: Unlock Your Full Potential With The 3 D's!: Deal with the problem, delegate it to someone else or a program, or delays it which is your default and that means you only have to make 3 decisions from now on saving you time to get more things done raising your self esteem instead of procrastinating, lowering it
  • How To Overcome Overwhelm For Severe ADHD: A SECRET Agent's Approach: Learn how to choose task which recovers your mental resources so you can by choosing the right task strategically, you can get more things done. Your will replenish your brain like a battery. You always chose the wrong task so it depends your energy.
  • Overcoming Overwhelm: Unmasking The Animalistic Daygamer Concept: Learn why you say one thing, while doing the other, losing all of your self esteem, gaslighting your brain which means you are lowering your self esteem more, if you say something but don't commit to it, increasing your downward spiral
  • Unlocking The Secret Weapon: How Hyperfocus Can Revolutionize Your ADHD Daygame!: Learn to align your focus making a top 10 list of values. So you can pick one ... you would be able to go back onto that one thing that reminds you to stay focused even doing task you don't always enjoy but have to instead of avoiding it, ruining your life
  • Unlock Your Full Potential: How This One Puzzle Game On Your Cellphone Can Help Overcome ADHD Symptoms: Rebuild your neuropathways in 21 days playing a fun puzzle game regrowing your neuropathways ... you can turn your severe lack of focus to moderate being able to accomplish your task
  • Boost Your Energy Levels With These Mind-Blowing Tips For Severe ADHD!: Stop being depressed and low energy which means you can finally be productive, raising your self esteem
  • 2024 Most Common Pattern Of Dysfunction All The Unteachable Cases Have: Learn the 3 pattern to avoid this year that all the unfocused people did who failed in life and have massive debt and that means it is wisdom, knowing what not to do which you can stop crashing and burning, failing at everything you do in every 4 months, 3X a year. Year after year.
  • WHAT IS TERMINATOR GRIT OR THE JOHN WICK TENACITY METAPHORICAL CONCEPT: Have more resilience and tenacity ... you will not quit until you get your task done despite what you think or how you feel
  • 4 Navy SEAL Secrets Revealed: How To Crush Overwhelm And Achieve Mental Strength: Learn how to set goals, visualize success, positive self talk and stress control which means you can you can handle an unlimited amount of stress so you can move forward and get things done

If you have your finances in order and want to train with me. Check out my Same day lay webinar

Copyright © 2023, John Elite Dating, all rights reserved.

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